Sunday, May 06, 2012

Time Flies

These days have been going by so fast. I feel the more we occupy ourselves with things to do, the more they advance by quickly. I try not to do too much on my free time and days off, but I find myself getting sucked into a movie or the internet. And my free time becomes non-productive by most definitions.

What really started this post was my inspiration, last night, to get back into practicing and studying music on an every day basis. I saw some really great performances from the CSULB choirs and orchestra. It made me realize how much I miss that.

I'm writing this publicly, so that I have to do it. If I don't, I'll feel like I'll be letting you all down.

Time to make a weekly schedule and get to work. No more super late nights of nothing staring at the vastness of the internet.

Find inspiration. Harness that feeling and create.

Also, if anyone knows of any LA area jazz ensembles, quartets, combos, woodwind groups, etc., that are open to auditions or looking for members, please let me know. I'm back baby.


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